Service & Inspection

What You Can Expect

Conducting inspections and service is integral to keeping your fire system functioning as needed. It is important that your service provider has the knowledge to perform each task required per local codes and at the required intervals. At Olympic West Fire Protection, we understand this and work to keep your fire protection systems in excellent working condition. Our team of skilled technicians are here to inspect and repair your system so if it is called upon, it works as expected to protect your facility and more importantly your people. We have team members that are highly trained and qualified in all aspects of fire protection. We are here to provide you with the professional excellence and quality service you deserve.


Providing quality service to our clients is essential. We strive to provide a great experience to our customer from coordination to project close out.

Who We Are

Founded in 1986, Olympic West Fire Protection is an industry leader for both installation and service of fire systems. We pride ourselves in building and maintaining relationships. Our 24/7/365 service team allows us to respond to your needs whenever and wherever the need arises. Our hope that the level of service you receive will keep you coming back to Olympic West Fire Protection for all your fire protection needs.

Fire Protection is our business, and quality service is our promise! Olympic West provides a top tier service experience at competitive pricing. Our team understands the value of quality service and our team of experts are here to assist with all your fire protection needs.